Little list.

I have had this little list tucked away on a slip of paper for sometime, sometimes I read it when I am feeling down. And, without fail, it makes me feel better. Also, watching the Harry Potter movies (mostly the first) always improve my mood. 



M said...

Rowan, reading this list is like honey and sunbeams for the soul.
So inspirational, it makes me realise that life is good and I shouldn't sit around in a bad mood. I need to appreciate all of these things, they really are the loveliest.
This is my very favourite list I have ever read xx

Rowan said...

Oh, dearest, I am so glad it improves your mood as well. I often fall into the ditch of sadness, and little things like your comment (and reading your emails too) help to pull me out. I have been trying to look to the little lovely things in life more often, simple happy things can really make all the difference.

Thank you so very much, Megan.


Athena. said...

Oh, I adore making lists; and yours is just incredible. There are many heart-breaking things in this world, and I do think this is a list of heart-menders.
You are just incredible.
Love, Athena. xxx

Rowan said...

Athena, thank you ever so much! I do so agree. Actually, I have been meaning to ask you if I could add you to my "Dreamers" list, where my favorite blogs reside. Would that be quite alright?
