There's a faery in my bedroom. Of that I am most certain. Small flashes here and there in the dimming light. She hides in the shadows, cloaked in the uncertain. Please come out, I bid her. Come and talk with me for I am lost betwixt darkness and light. 

I see her now, knee deep in shadows, on the corner of my dresser. Up she flies, as though carried by a sudden invisible breeze, she glides up and over my head. Please. I beg her. Please don't leave. Tell me the secrets of your far away land. Leave me a bit of pixie dust so that I may too fly on wings of dainty gossamer. But she only smiles. 

She reminds me of a small ballerina, small enough to fit in my music box and so very dainty. She wears a tiny dress, crafted it seems out of silkworm's threads, it cradles drops of dew that glisten like little stars whenever she stirs. Steal me away! I plead to her. For I know all about my world and all of the hatred and troubles it carries. I long to travel with her down the bonnie road to faerie. Oh take me with you, dearest faery. 

I have heard the stories, those stolen rarely return, and if they do time moves a different pace in Faerie than in my land. But I do not care, I would go so very gladly, winding all the way to Faerie and never looking back. But she simply flies out the open window like a crimson leaf on the wind, and then suddenly she is just gone. 

Late nights I still wait up for her, hoping she will come again. I have always hoped to be stolen away, taken from all that I know, taken to woodland dances and stolen glances. Taken to the land of Faeries. 


Thank you all for the lovely comments on my little diary. It means so much to me, I can not tell you. 

Today is my birthday, which always brings a mix of feelings. I never have really "felt my age." But I am determined to make it a lovely day. 

I do hope you are all doing quite well, thank you so much for reading. 


image found here:


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a most wonderful and enchanting day ♥

Rowan said...

Thank you, Juliet. (what a lovely name.) I really did have a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful piece of writing! :D And did I wish you happy birthday on Tumblr or not? Anyway, happy late birthday if I didn't! ^_^

Rowan said...

Thank you Merry (: