J is making little streams trickle down her wrists again. I don't think i can bear it for much longer. The silence, the quite sense of waiting that clings to the air. I'm not sure anymore, not sure what i'm waiting for or who i'm waiting on. 

January holds unrest where it used to hold calm. New numbers to the date but still the same feeling holding on. I thought I would have lost it when the clock stroke twelve, but was it only another witching hour on the great grandfather clock. 

I want to fly away, far over the churning sea that storms like a tempest in my stomach. I long to lift up from the dark abyss and fly to the sun, if only I knew for sure if my feathered wings would melt or hold strong. Wax is a terribly fickle thing, you know. 

I wish the dreams of snowflakes and unicorn horns would shield me from the darkness, the darkness of things i'd rather not know or see or be. I don't know that light feathered bird anymore, all I see are black feathers and endless eyes. 

I suppose its what they all wanted, what would sooner or later be. "Owls must blend in with the darkest nights" they murmured. They are silently cheering, I can hear their whispers- I am certain. 

They revel in the bitter transformation, they inflict what was inflicted upon them. I am missing something now, as they all are. I loath myself as they despise themselves. It was inevitable, innocence is always lost and never truly regained. White feather never stay clean, for dirt sticks to wax as the shore meets the sea.


Melee said...

The times that are supposedly significant never feel any different, do they?

I am sorry you are oppressed with darkness. I hope it lifts, I really do. Innocence is indeed ephemeral, but don't let that embitter you. Life is still beautiful. (Pardon if this is not relevant. I just can't be sure.)

Joanna said...

I hope the darkness leaves you, m'dear. These words you so carefully craft are beautiful, to say the least. Although this piece was quite dark and haunting, I continue to see the glimmering flecks of beauty. I do hope you are okay, xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Rowan, you write about the most dark and terrible feelings with such a beautiful poeticism. I am sorry that you feel such a heaviness in your heart. I hope you'll pass out of this black abyss with a new and radiant glow, I really truly do. x

Rowan said...

Thank you all for your kind words. I suppose I wrote this at a very dark time.

Things seem to be lightening up with the approach of spring and I am feeling much brighter than I felt when I wrote this.

Melee: That concept on innocence is exactly relevant, you are quite right. Thank you for understanding.

Rowan said...
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Liz said...

White feathers never stay clean, but dirt can always be washed away to leave the feathers pure white again. Loss of innocence doesn't mean loss of purity.

Rowan said...

Thank you for those words of wisdom, I shall try and remember them.

ps. your blog is absolutely beautiful, your pictures and your words are haunting.